Thursday 1 September 2016

Films that make me dream of France

There is nothing quite like a film set in France - whether it spans the idyllic countryside or captures the grandeur of Haussmann's Paris. Let's be honest, the only reason I ever watch the Tour de France is to transport myself to the quaint villages they pass through, picturing myself wandering through the cobble stones and tearing off the quignon d'une baguette. Whenever I feel la nostalgie, I satisfy my French craving by watching a film that glorifies the French terrain. Romantic and subtle, as if looking through an Impressionist painting, or through Piaf's rose-coloured glasses. These 14 films will make you want to jump on a plane to France tout de suite...

Il n'y a rien de tel qu'un film tourné en France - soit à la campagne idyllique, soit à Paris dans toute la splendeur de Haussmann. De toute façon, la seule raison pour laquelle je regarde le Tour de France, c'est pour me faire transporter aux petits villages au charme désuet, où je peux créer l'image de flâner dans les rues pavées en mangeant le quignon d'une baguette. Chaque fois que j'ai ce type de nostalgie, je regarde un film qui glorifie le terrain français pour que je puis satisfaire mon appétit. L'appétit pour les images romantiques et subtils, comme une peinture d'impressionnisme, ou la vie en rose de Piaf. Surtout, les 14 films suivants m'encouragent à partir tout de suite pour la France ...

Un: Amélie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)

Amelie - le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain french film

There is nothing quite like the Paris in Amélie. Constant reds and greens with a sepia overtone make you dream of a Paris that only exists in dreams. Much like the dreams of Amélie, a young Parisienne waitress, who attempts to change the lives of those around her.

Scenery to watch: Parisian apartments, Parisian bistros, Montmartre

Deux: Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris film set in Paris France

Through the eyes of the main protagonist Gill Pender (Owen Wilson), you see the fine juxtaposition of the old and new Paris, usually at night or even more splendid... in the rain. All thoughts of a writer's Parisian 1920's utopia is brought to life where the Fitzgerald's, Stein, Porter, and Hemingway show Paris as it once was.

Scenery to watch: 1920-styled Parisian parties and bars, Saint-Ouen flea market

Trois: Paris, Je T'aime

Paris, je t'aime set in Paris

It's hard to find a film that shows off more of the Parisian boulevards than this... 'Paris, je t'aime' is a series of short films portraying the lives of everyday Parisians in different arrondissements made by an array of different directors.

Scenery to watch: Parisian cobblestoned streets, grand boulevards

Quatre: French Kiss

French Kiss set in France with Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline

The first scenes consist of Meg Ryan contained in a room and a plane, but she is soon liberated and unleashed in the vast, green French countryside. Filmed in many the idyllic location; Paris, Cannes, and the picturesque region of the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur, you will be whisked away by the beauty and romance of both Kevin Kline and the scenery.

Scenery to watch: Southern French vineyards, Côtes d'Azur seaside

Cinq: Before Sunset

Before Sunset film set in Paris

This film immerses you in the bustling streets of Paris as it follows an afternoon of two past lovers as they talk and wander through les rues de Paris. The uncut long scenes make you feel as though you are walking alongside the couple, taking you through romantic areas of cafés, gardens and a bateau mouche.

Scenery to watch: Banks of the River Seine, Shakespeare and Company bookstore

Six: Elevator to the Gallows (L'ascenseur pour l'échafaud)

Jeanne Moreau takes to wandering the streets of Paris often in this film set to the music of Miles Davis. A great policier for it's time, the scenery shows off the new richness of the French industrial era and the Parisian streets in all their natural glory. Filmed in the Nouvelle Vague era, this film uses natural, outdoor light to capture the beauty of a growing city.

Scenery to watch: 1950's Parisian streets, French modernity

Sept: Charade

There is no doubt that Audrey Hepburn brought France to the forefront of the big screen. Charade captures the majestic Technicolour Paris with beautiful walks along the banks of the River Seine while the intrigue continues. Some other films with beautiful French scenery in which Hepburn stars are 'Paris When It Sizzles' and 'Two For The Road'.

Scenery to watch: Banks of the River Seine, glorious Parisian hotels

Huit: Marie Antoinette

Showcasing the glam, the glitz, and the glory. This modern interpretation of Marie Antoinette's history with main actress Kirsten Dunst is a sight for the senses. The film allows the audience to peer into the life of the old French monarchy and experience the majestic Versailles palace and gardens. There are beautiful scenes shot at Marie Antoinette's Estate, Le Petit Trianon, to feast your eyes on.

Scenery to watch: Versailles Palace and gardens, the Petit Trianon

Neuf: Moulin Rouge

Naturally the ridiculousness of Baz Luhrmann's films are ultimately indulgent and fascinatingly beautiful. His portrayal of the Moulin Rouge really gives you a bustling impression of the cabaret in it's 'heyday'. It's luxurious reds and velvets and romantic tunes also help if you are ever standing in front of the Moulin Rouge today on the touristy streets of Montmartre. Sing a little tune from Moulin Rouge and you can almost picture Toulouse Lautrec entering for a good night of painting and... well ooh la la.

Scenery to watch: Moulin Rouge, views from Montmartre

Dix: The Hundred Foot Journey

Just how you imagine every tiny French village to be; beautiful and intolerant. The film captures the beauty of an Indian immigrant family who move to France to open a restaurant, and the film develops a beautiful composition of food and family in the French countryside.

Scenery to watch: towns in the Midi-Pyrénées, sweeping country roads

Onze: Ratatouille

A film that makes you melt inside like an oozing raclette cheese. Even though an animated film, this movie beautifully portrays the daily life of a chef in Paris through the eyes of a cute Parisian mouse. The connection of food and French nostalgia is also tied together through a Proust Madeleine-esque moment.

Scenery to watch: wide-shots of Paris, French restaurant kitchens

Douze: A Very Long Engagement (Un long dimanche de fiançailles)

Set in wartime France, mainly in rugged Brittany, this film follows the life of a poor country girl waiting and searching for her long-lost love. Beautiful scenes of northern France with warm sepia browns and deep green forest will transport you to the harsh but serene moments of WWI.

Scenery to watch: Cliffs in Brittany, French country homestead

Treize: The Bélier Family (La famille Bélier)

Just another glorious regional setting in the captivating French countryside. A heart-moving story of the eldest daughter who, indispensible to her deaf family, desires to move to Paris to study music. The scenes revolve around the picturesque family farm and the small community group in town and at the local school.

Scenery to watch: French farms, small town food markets

Quatorze: Chocolat

A romantic vision of a small town filled with chocolate love and... Johnny Depp. There's the quaint little chocolate shop with a gorgeous terrace, the idyllic small French village on the river's edge, and dresses to die for.

Scenery to watch: French chocolate shop, small French stone village


Which films would you add?
Quels films ajouteriez-vous?

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