Tuesday 31 May 2016

Why learn French as an adult? APPEL

I am conducting some research for my next French adult curriculum project - just why do we want to learn French as adults? C'est trop complexe!

I have been tutoring French to adults for around seven years now, and to tell you the truth, I still don't have a clear answer to this question. By the time we are adults, we have constructed truths on who we are, placed boundaries on learning, and are hard-set on what we know we want to know! Ah la vache!

Alors... I would like to hear from you all. Help me try to crack this puzzling code! The survey consists of nine questions, and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete:

Merci pour votre aide :)

Maybe we all just want to be Parisian?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katerina,
    good luck with your blog and your research. We have a lot in common...if you are interested I'd invite you take a look at my blog But you are in France, Madame http://butyouareinfrancemadame.blogspot.com.au to see where my French fascination has taken me!
