Monday 6 November 2017

French Teacher Resource: Les Maisons Merveilleuses

I have constructed some super fun resources and activities for the topic on 'houses', focusing on culture, text-types and communication. I have tried these activities with four different classes now, in both year 7 and year 8.
With 3 x 50 minute classes per week, the following activities can take 2-3 weeks to complete in total. The whole unit is delivered over approximately 7 weeks.

Once students have learned basic vocabulary on the house and where you live ('la maison' et 'où on habite'), it's time for some fun inquiry-based and project-based work.

Here are the order of events, connected to Victorian Curriculum points:

1) Introduce students to the tasks, and show them the final product (with success criteria). Access task instructions here.

2) Students are presented with different and interesting French cultural homes (PPT). Depending on the class, I'll either get them to discuss what they like/don't like between slides or at the end of the PPT. Sometimes I'll get students to read out the information from the PPT too.

Communicating (Socialising)Interact with peers and teacher to exchange information and opinions, talk about self, family, friends and interests, and express feelings, likes and dislikes (VCFRC091)

3) Students choose a French cultural home to base their own home off. They start to produce a digital floorplan. (Individually or pairs is optimal, if they are in 3's someone always seems to do much less work). You can walk around the room and ask them to decision-make in French together, e.g. je veux un jardin, une grande chambre...

Communicating (Informing)Present information and ideas relating to social worlds and natural environments in spoken, written and digital forms (VCFRC095)Participate in collaborative activities such as performances and presentations that involve planning, making arrangements, transacting and negotiating (VCFRC092)

4) Students produce a labelled advertisement for their home, with pictures from the internet.
- If you haven't covered the bilingual component yet, you can ask them to produce a bilingual advertisement.

"They create their own texts, mainly using the present tense of regular and common irregular verbs, enriched by the use of adjectives and adverbs."

5) Students blu-tac their advertisement on the wall/board. Once all students are done, give them a survey sheet (le sondage) to survey every one's hard work. Collect the results and create charts for future use (Excel spreadsheet).

Communicating (Informing)Locate factual information from a range of texts and resources and use the information in new ways (VCFRC094)

6) Students participate in the housing auction (see 'Les règles aux enchères'). (Students don't actually win and take-home each other's work. It's just a fun idea!)
Some students try to 'play-off' each other, which is just amazing, because they are yelling French numbers at each other without even realising the effort!
You really have to calm down the room between each sale though, it can get quite loud in the auction room. I usually preface the auction by saying that auction rooms are 'quiet' rooms.
Access the paddles here. I glue them onto large paddlepop sticks.

Understanding (Systems of language)Recognise and use features of the French sound system, including pitch, rhythm, stress and intonation (VCFRU102)

7) I have also created a homework task to ensure students are reflecting on the tasks from a culture and identity perspective. Also great as a post-vocab task for consolidation and for re-inforcing numeracy skills.

Communicating (Reflecting)Notice own and others’ ways of expressing identity, and consider the relationship between language, culture and identity(VCFRC101)

Amusez-vous bien! Please write your comments below on any ideas or suggestions for improvements, or your experiences teaching this unit of work.
Feel free to adapt any of the attached resources, and feel free to send them back to me.

Access curriculum documents here