Saturday 11 November 2017

Language Podcasts that I'm loving

I find podcasts to be great resources - for use in the classroom, or just for interesting listening on the way to work or while I do the dishes...

Here is a list of podcasts that I'm currently using for classroom resources and also for my own entertainment. What are you listening to?

French language fix

  • Podcast Français Authentique - Johan Tekfak
One of the best structured podcasts that I've come across. Johan conducts the entire podcast all in French for second language learners, usually concentrating on discourse and colloquialisms. I particularly enjoy listening to the idiomatic expressions, one of the most difficult aspects to learn for non-natives! 
  • RFI - Journal en français facile
Great way to keep up-to-date with French current affairs, and easy to share with senior year students. The episodes are also nice and snappy. 

  • SBS en français

I just like to support the SBS, but also, there are episodes on Australian current affairs in French, film reviews, and French events that are happening across the country.

Listening task resources

  • Learn French with daily podcasts - Louis from Daily French Pod
  • Learn French by Podcast - Hugh Nagle

I have used these podcasts for years to create listening comprehension tasks. Louis' podcast is conducted all in French, and is usually a monologue where he provides great description and uses heaps of synonyms - particularly important vocab skills for the senior years.

Hugh Nagle's podcast is bilingual and always starts with a dialogue. Excellent practice for the VCAA listening comprehension task, and there are 100's of episodes focusing on the VCAA topics.

Teacher 'gas-bagging' time

  • Teachers Talking Teachers - CatFish Education (Pete and John)

These NSW teachers create such good banter around current topics in pedagogy and teaching. Each episode is based on two scholarly articles and there is plenty of opinion mixed with discussion based on the papers you should be keeping up to date with. 

French cultural curiosities

  • The New Paris Podcast - Lindsey Tramuta and Alice Cavanagh
What I enjoy most about this podcast is that the interviewees are generally expats living in Paris, which I think is most relevant in today's international Paris scene. So far this podcast is at its humble beginnings, but their topics on identity and gastronomy (two of my favourite topics!) have been well discussed.
  • Pardon My French - Garance Doré

I feel sassy listening to this podcast (so branchée), but Garance is just personable and lovely. She discusses the everyday issues, or vie quotidienne, of French culture - from dating, to fashion, to the environment. The podcast feels authentic from a Frenchy perspective, and also highly engaging with interviews conducted in an open and relaxed style. Episodes released every Thursday - definitely needs your attention!
  • The Earful Tower - Oliver Gee
This podcast is usually quite 'tongue in cheek', as is self evident from its entitled pun. I've mainly followed its Facebook posts over the years, but I've now just realised how good the podcast is! The episodes are about anything French - everything is allowed. 

Linguistic loving

  • Lingthusiasm - Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne
Lauren, originally from Melbourne, and Gretchen have excitingly geeky conversations about language. Coming from someone (myself) who loves to discuss the complexities of language - from crazy syntax to discourse variants - this podcast keeps me so engaged. As a French teacher, I find it a necessity to stay engaged with linguistics, as you need to keep perspective on the languages you teach. How does French fit into the linguistic world? What are its variants? How diverse is the speech community? etc. etc. I love the study of linguistics for all these reasons and more. 

1 comment:

  1. Change ma vie by Clotilde Dusoulier ... je l'adore est c'est un podcast tout en français! :)
