Wednesday 14 September 2022

French Educational Resources coming to you soon!

Chouette Charlie coming to a worksheet near you!

I have been working on a labour of love - making worksheets and resources for the French classroom.

Why am I so excited to share these resources with you? They focus on:

- differentiation based on needs and ability

- scaffolding to build learning autonomy

- including answer guides for immediate feedback

- listening input and phoneme flooding

- using recycled and high frequency vocabulary

- following natural language acquisition using language or grammar chunking

- learning both form and meaning

How does this sound to you?

WEBSITE COMING SOON! Stay tuned for the release of French Educational Resources on October 1st.

The site will include both paid and free resources. Additionally, this blog and my social media pages will continue to promote the teaching and learning of French through the sharing of ideas, resources and just my usual dribble!

I really look forward to sharing my resources with you all and helping you, teachers and tutors, to keep the language classroom equitable to all.

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