Sunday 26 August 2018

French Teacher Resource: French in Melbourne City

Earlier this year, we took our Year 9 students on a city excursion to immerse them in the French culture that exists in our beautiful Melbourne city.

First we took them to La Petite Crêperie where they each devoured a crêpe and a galette, washing their food down with a cold Orangina to share. The staff at the crêperie were extremely accomodating as we squashed our classes in to the small space.

The students then attended a guided visit at the NGV on Impressionism. They were shown the masterpieces that we have here at our doorstep, and used their knowledge on Impressionist art learned in class.

To finish the day, I created a Frenchy Melbourne treasure hunt. Although most of my students had hardy navigated the city by themselves, I sent them off with a map and clues and waited at Federation Square with the phone. The chasse au trésor was a big hit. They were directed to work out their first clue and then continue to track their way through the city, taking photos when they reached each site. Given time restrictions, they were given an hour and half to complete as much of the puzzle as they could. They were then excused from the day once they returned to Federation Square and had their photos sited.

A PDF version of the Frenchy Melbourne Treasure hunt is downloadable here. I hope that it can be as much of a hit with your French students!

Quelle journée - c'était tellement amusante.

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