Monday 30 July 2018

Flipped French Classroom: Vlog-style and accountability

A few weeks in to term 3, and the Flipped Classroom in Year 9 French is underway. Here are some changes that I have implemented this term:

(1) Vlog-style videos
At the end of last term, I surveyed my students about Flipped classroom outcomes and the videos I was creating. Best not to take anything personally in teaching, as across the board, my students wrote, "Madame, your videos are way too long!"
Alors... I've taken on the constructive criticism and trialled a new style. I've tried to make the videos more professional, and purchased a new microphone for my camera. Take a look at the new vlog-style video below:

Flipped grammar video for homework study on current content

I am sure you would agree that the next step would be to get a better backdrop for the example sections. I have improved in delivering more succinct content and keeping the video short. So far, the students are enjoying this style of content presentation. They are even pronouncing the word 'l'imparfait' beautifully from imitating my voice in the video!

(2) Accountability
The opportunity for student reflection was lacking from my videos last term. To account for this, I am now embedding the video in to a Google Form where students answer questions based on the content in the video:

Flipped Google form for content reflection

An added benefit to the Google Form reflection is that (a) the submission is time stamped allowing me to track when students complete their homework, and (b) I can offer feedback in real-time by reviewing students results and providing comments.

Let me know what you think of this current Flipped pedagogy. Any tips, tricks or ideas, let me know!